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Mashed carrots with turmeric flakes

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Mashed carrots with turmeric flakes

Ingredients for the recipe:


  1. Start by peeling, washing and chopping your carrots.
  2. Add a drizzle of olive oil to a saucepan, then add your finely chopped shallots and fry, then add the carrots.
  3. Fry gently then add enough water to cover the carrots. Cover, then leave to simmer for about 25 minutes.
  4. Once the carrots are cooked, remove the water then add the milk, turmeric, salt and pepper then mash the carrots.
  5. Add the butter, cream and milk then mash again.
  6. Serve piping hot with roast chicken or fish.
For the recipe:

Organic turmeric chips

Fleur de sel from Guerande

Bahia black pepper

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